Its very important to maintain your skin so your skin doesn't age fast. It not only help us to achieve a better looking skin but also prepare a great base before winter comes. There are lots of easy ways to make face masks. You can use basic ingredients found around the house to make your own simple, hydrating masks. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, mud or clay-based masks are great for balancing out your skin. Dry skin will benefit from hydrating masks made from glycerin, honey and oils. Ginseng or green tea masks are great for soothing sensitive skin.
Today we'll concentrate on dry skin, how to keep it hydrated and moisturized in this dry weather
Drink lots of water
Drinking water not only helps you to have a better figure or maintain good health but also repair your dry skin. Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Avoid soda, alcohol or coffee which can dehydrate your skin rather than help it.
Keep Water Lukewarm, Not Hot
Hot water robs skin of moisture causing dry skin, so it's best to shower in lukewarm water. Hot hot water can create wrinkle and red patches on your skin so avoid it if possible
Moisturize your face
Some home-made face masks - DIY
- Avocados + honey : Mix 1/2 avocado & 1/4 cup honey , mash them together. The mix is particularly moisturizing. This mask is particularly great for mature, wrinkled and dry skin. It's best to use a ripe, fresh, organic avocado.
- Honey + Egg : Mix 1 tsp honey and 1 egg yolk together and put on your face for 15 mins. The nutrition in the honey and yolk will repair your skin and keep it moist
- Mix a tiny amount of brown sugar with olive oil in your palm. Once it turns into a paste, massage into your face. Cure chapped lips by mixing brown sugar with honey and massaging into lips.
- Banana + yogurt : Its not only a great dessert but also good for your skin. Smash together half a banana and 4 tsp yogurt until it becomes a blend. Put the mixture on your face for 15 minutes. It'll exfoliate your dead skin and clean your face